Thursday, March 3, 2011

Roger is a shark, and Jesus rules.

With the start of spring training my shirt juices started flowing, and I turned out two new shirts in four days. The first is a shirt that I always wanted to do, but never had a healthy J-Flo to allow me to do it. Now that he has risen from the dead, however, I'm proud to introduce my homage to Jesus Flores.

Flores has always been one of my favorites, and I still have a bounty out on Chase Utley for his blatant attack on poor Joey Flowers. So, here's to a healthy 2011 for Jesus, and for him to start smiting some fools. He's got some time to make up for . (Shirt also available for the ladies, of course, and that one says, "Real women love JESUS.")
So... do me a favor, and buy the thing. (God forbid someone cashes in on the Utley bounty, as I'm a broke dood.)

The next shirt was one that I've been trying to do for two years. You see, my wife's favorite player became Roger Bernadina last year. "Make me a Bernie shirt," she'd say. (At least I think that's what she said. I'm about as good at listening to her as Dibble was to listening to Bobby Carpenter.) I made a lame attempt last year, but I really wasn't a fan of it. I uploaded it just long enough to order one, and pulled it. I keep trying to tell the wife that it's a GODDAMN LIMITED EDITION collectible, but I really wanted to make one she'd like. Now, I don't like to brag, but....

BAM. I'm really happy with how this shirt came out. So buy three. (Hey, if I'm gonna get fired for using some company time to make these things, I'm gonna need some of you to pony up some dough.) And for those of you that didn't know Roger's nickname was "The Shark" a good write up about it is here.
So, there you have it. Two new shirts. Buy them. Or I cry. Sniff.

The complete shirt store is here. As always, if you have an idea for a shirt, or want me to use my lame skills for a Nats player you like, shoot me an email. It's on the top right of the page. Or don't. It's cool. I got friends, you know. I don't need validation of my blogs' existence. Sniffle, sniffle. Man... who's cutting all the damn onions around here?

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